
Notifications on Gmail and spam filtering

In: News Hit: 4403

Settings for Gmail's spam filter and recognition as secure mail

It can happen that our email alerts concerning your orders end up in YOUR SPAM folder. This makes it difficult to notify you of the arrival of goods, or of the order balance.

To remedy this, we ask you to spend 45 seconds to quickly set up our email address as SECURE, so that you can receive notifications and anything else WITHOUT any problems.

instructions can be found here:

Please remember that you are purchasing on an E-shop, and the MAIL functionality is ESSENTIAL for proper management of alerts, bookings and notifications. 

If you do not take this precaution, you may not read our messages, making it difficult to contact you: our practice involves 3 e-mail notifications, as well as the opening of the alert in the user panel; without receiving anything, it is clear that the order is forcibly cancelled, also considering the fact that we announce the imminent arrival in advance on social networks, and it is assumed that those who have booked the item are interested in it and will then finalise the purchase given the deposit paid in advance, or at least come forward to finalise the purchase.  Yet often, too often lately, this is not even the case.

Thank you for your cooperation